Saturday, January 14, 2012

hey Mr. BloG!!

as usual lama nye x menaip kt page ni..
sorry my Mr Blog...
macam biasa life as a student...
quite bz with report, projek and my final exam...
so just finish it up this afternoon...
so far no sooo goood huhuhu...
 nothing be story about..
just i just get my RM 200 book voucher..
so what i as thinking about is to buy novel lorr huhuhu..

cutisem dah pun mula,,,
tp ak cm bese la mr blog kan mana pernah aku cuti lelma ni...
paling lama pun mesti seminggu kan hahaha...
ye la org x pernah nak duk diam la kate kan...
wat eva pun i wanna grab this opportunity to get the certificate...
hopefully i will success huhuhu..
wish me luck :)


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